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armoured fighting
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Results shown are filtered by: "Costantino Castriota: Di cavalleria e duello per il signor don Costantino Castriota"  Results are sorted by: relevance

Year: 1553
Size: 140 pages
Language: Italian
Secondary language:
Published: Appresso Mattia Cancer, Napoli, 1553

Weapons / topics: dueling, fighting on horseback

Submitted on: 2018-05-31
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)
Last modified on: 2018-05-31
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

 Author: COSTANTINO Calarone
Title: Scienza prattica necessaria all'huomo, overo modo PER suPERare la forza coll'uso regolato della spada
Year: 1714
Size: 191 pages
Language: Italian
Published: Stamparia Luca Antonio Chracas, Róma, 1714

Submitted on: 2008-06-29
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2018-10-17
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

Principios de los cinco sujetos principales, de que se compone la philosophia, y mathemática de las armas practica, y especulativa dirigido mo a el exc. Senor Alexandro Farnesse, Principe de Parma, de Consejo de Guerra de su Magstad, su Virrey, y Capitan General del Reyno de Navarra, General de la Cavalleria por D. Migvel Perez de Mendoza, de la Camara de su Alteza, el Serenes simo Senor el Senor D. Iuan de Austria, y su Maestro de las Armas, vezino de 'la muy Noble, y muy Leal Ciudad de LogronoAuthor: DON Miguel Pérez de Mendoza y Quixada
Title: Principios de los cinco sujetos principales, de que se compone la phILosophia, y mathemática de las armas practica, y especulativa dirigido mo a el exc. Senor Alexandro Farnesse, Principe de Parma, de Consejo de Guerra de su Magstad, su Virrey, y Capitan General del Reyno de Navarra, General de la CAVALLERIA por D. Migvel PERez de Mendoza, de la Camara de su Alteza, el Serenes simo Senor el Senor D. Iuan de Austria, y su Maestro de las Armas, vezino de 'la muy Noble, y muy Leal Ciudad de Logrono
Year: 1672
Size: 171 pages
Language: Spanish
Located in: Biblioteca Nacional de España <-- Click the name for more information.
Published: En la Imprenta de Martin Gregorio de Zabala, Impressor del Reyno de Navarra: En la Calle de las Pellegerias, Pamplona, 1672

Weapons / topics: rapier


Submitted on: 2010-04-25
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2018-02-20
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

Duello: libro de re imperatori, principi signori, gentil'homini, et de tutti armigeri, co[n]tinente disfide concordie, pace, casi accadenti, et iudicii con ragione essempli, et authoritate de poeti, historiographi, philosophi, legisti, canonisti et ecclesiastici. Opera dignissima et utilissima ad tutti li spirital gentiliAuthor: Paride del Pozzo
Title: DUELLO: libro de re imPERatori, principi SIGNORi, gentIL'homini, et de tutti armigeri, co[n]tinente disfide concordie, pace, casi accadenti, et iudicii con ragione essempli, et authoritate de poeti, historiographi, phILosophi, legisti, canonisti et ecclesiastici. OPERa dignissima et utILissima ad tutti li spirital gentILi
Year: 1478
Size: 352 pages
Language: Italian
Located in: Madrid
Published: Vinegia, 1544

Weapons / topics: dueling


Submitted on: 2011-09-12
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2018-01-08
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

Duello: libro de re, imperatori, prencipi, signori, gentil’huomini, & de tutti armigeri, continente disside, concordie, pace, casi accadenti & iudicii con ragione, essempli, et authoritate de poeti, historiographi, philosophi, legisti, canonisti, & ecclesiastici. Opera dignissima, & utilissima ad tuttigli spiriti gentilAuthor: Paris de Puteo
Alternative author name: Paride de Pozzo
Title: DUELLO: libro de re, imPERatori, prencipi, SIGNORi, gentIL’huomini, & de tutti armigeri, continente disside, concordie, pace, casi accadenti & iudicii con ragione, essempli, et authoritate de poeti, historiographi, phILosophi, legisti, canonisti, & ecclesiastici. OPERa dignissima, & utILissima ad tuttigli spiriti gentIL
Year: 1518
Published: Venetia, 1521
Published: Gregorio de Gregoriis, Venetia, 1523
Published: 1525
Published: 1530
Published: Vinegia, 1536
Published: Comin de Tridino de Monferrato, Venetiis, 1540
Published: Vinegia, 1544

Weapons / topics: dueling


Submitted on: 2010-02-07
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2018-10-28
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

Il duello, diviso in tre libri. Ne quali dell'honore e dell'ordine della cavalleria con nuovo modo si trattaAuthor: Giovanni Battista Nicolucci detto Pigna
Title: IL DUELLO, diviso in tre libri. Ne quali dell'honore e dell'ordine della CAVALLERIA con nuovo modo si tratta
Year: 1554
Size: 270 pages
Language: Italian
Published: Valgrisi, Vinegia, 1554
Published: RutILio Borgominerio da Trino, Vinegia, 1560

Weapons / topics: dueling


Submitted on: 2010-03-07
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2018-11-05
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

 Author: Cesare Pagani
Title: IL Disegno Del SIGNOR Cesare Pagano, Cavaliere Nopoletano, su'l vero Teatro di Marte, PER la Teorica della Schrimia, All' Altezza, di DON Ferdinando, de Medeci, Gran Duca di Toscana
Year: 1592
Language: Italian
Located in: Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze

Submitted on: 2018-06-04
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)
Last modified on: 2018-06-04
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

Il gentil huomoAuthor: Girolamo Muzio
Title: IL gentIL huomo
Alternative title: IL gentILhuomo : in questo volume distinto in tre dialoghi si tratta la materia della nobILta, & si mostra quante ne siano le maniere, qual sia la vera, onde ella habbia havuto origine, come si acquisti, come si conservi, & come si PERda : si parla della nobILta de gli huomini, & delle DONne, delle PERsone private, & de' SIGNORi
Year: 1571
Size: 286 pages
Language: Italian
Published: Luigi Valvassori, & Gio. Domenico Micheli, Venetia, 1575

Submitted on: 2010-03-08
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2018-11-11
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

Regolamento di esercizi e di evoluzioni per la cavalleriaAuthor: Ministero della Guerra
Alternative author name: Ministry of War
Title: Regolamento di esercizi e di evoluzioni PER la CAVALLERIA
Alternative title: Regulation exercises and movements for the cavalry
Year: 1873
Size: 201 pages
Images: 34
Language: Italian
Located in: Bibliotecha Statale di Cremona
Published: Carlo Voghera, Roma, 1873

Weapons / topics: fighting on horseback, sabre


Submitted on: 2017-09-01
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2018-09-07
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

 Author: Jacopo Gelli
Title: Brevi note sulla scherma di sciabola PER la CAVALLERIA
Year: 1889
Language: Italian

Weapons / topics: fighting on horseback, sabre

Submitted on: 2010-02-02
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2017-11-08
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

Il governo della cavalleria leggieriaAuthor: Gerorgio Basta
Title: IL governo della CAVALLERIA leggieria
Alternative title: IL Governo Della CAVALLERIA Leggiera Trattato Che Concerne Anche quanto basta alla Grave PER intelligenza de Capitani. Materia PER avanti mai trattata, Ridotta in arte con suoi precetti
Year: 1612
Size: 127 pages
Language: Italian
Located in: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München <-- Click the name for more information.
Located in: Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, Germany
Located in: Venice
Published: J.T. de Bry, 1612
Published: Juan de Meerbeeck, Bruselas, 1624
Published: Gio. Batt. Bidelli, MILano, 1625
Published: Iean Berthelin,, Rouen, 1627
Published: Francisco Martinez, Madrid, 1642

Weapons / topics: fighting on horseback, mILitary art


Submitted on: 2008-06-28
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2018-11-15
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

Regole Militari Sopra Il Governo E Servitio Particolare Della Cavalleria di Fr. Lodovico Melzo Cavalier Di San Giovanni Gerosolimitano De I Consigli Secreto Di Milano E Di Gverra Ne' Paesi Bassi Per S. M. Cattolica Svo Tenente Generale Della CavalleriaAuthor: Ludvico Melzo
Alternative author name: Lodovico Melzo, Ludovico Melzo, Ludovico Melzi
Title: Regole MILitari Sopra IL Governo E Servitio Particolare Della CAVALLERIA di Fr. Lodovico Melzo Cavalier Di San Giovanni Gerosolimitano De I Consigli Secreto Di MILano E Di Gverra Ne' Paesi Bassi PER S. M. Cattolica Svo Tenente Generale Della CAVALLERIA
Year: 1611
Language: Italian
Secondary language: French
Located in: Antwerp
Published: 1619
Published: 1653

Weapons / topics: fighting on horseback, mILitary art

Original: ( ed.1653 )
Original: ( ed.1611 )
Original: ( ed.1611 )
Original: ( ed.1619 )

Submitted on: 2008-06-29
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2018-11-13
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

 Author: Maestro Gandolfi Giovanni
Title: Metodo teorico-pratico PER la scherma di sciabola e norme generali PER IL DUELLO
Alternative title: Metodo teorico-pratico PER la scuola di sciabola
Year: 1876
Language: Italian
Published: Borgarelli, Torino, 1876

Weapons / topics: sabre

Submitted on: 2008-07-04
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2011-12-19
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)

Manuale teorico-pratico per la scherma di spada e sciabola, con cenni storici sulle armi e sulla scherma e principali norme pel duelloAuthor: Giordano Rossi
Title: Manuale teorico-pratico PER la scherma di spada e sciabola, con cenni storici sulle armi e sulla scherma e principali norme pel DUELLO
Alternative title: Scherma di spada e sciabola. Manuale teorico-pratico, con cenni storici sulle armi e sulla scherma, e principali regole del DUELLO
Year: 1885
Size: 271 pages
Images: 54
Language: Italian
Located in: New York Public Library
Published: Fratelli Dumolard Editori, MILano, 1885

Weapons / topics: épée, sabre


Submitted on: 2008-07-13
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2021-06-07
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)

 Author: Alexander PERegrinus
Title: Tractatus De DUELLO : in quo quicquid ab utroque iure a Sacro ConcILio Tridentino, a summis pontificibus de DUELLO sancitum est : praecipue vero Constitutio Clementis VIII. ... accuratissime explicatur / auctore Alexandro PERegrino Capuano ..
Year: 1619
Language: Latin
Published: Denuo impressus, Mediolani (MILano), 1619

Weapons / topics: dueling

Submitted on: 2022-07-21
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

Opera Nova Chiamata Duello, O Vero Fiore dell'Armi de Singulari Abattimenti Offensivi, & DiffensiviAuthor: AchILle Marozzo di Bologna
Title: OPERa Nova Chiamata DUELLO, O Vero Fiore dell'Armi de Singulari Abattimenti Offensivi, & Diffensivi
Alternative title: 4A 938
Year: 1536
Size: 296 pages
Images: 82
Language: Italian
Located in: Ajaccio - Bibliothèque Fesh
Located in: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München <-- Click the name for more information.
Located in: British Museum
Located in: Universitätsbibliothek, K.U. Leuven
Published: Fines Mundi, Saarbrücken
Published: Mutinae, 1536
Published: 1546
Published: Stampata PER Giovane Padouano, ad instantia de Marchior Sessa, Venetia, 1550
Published: 1568
Published: 1580
Published: Verona, 1615

Weapons / topics: armoured fighting, dagger, great sword / two handed sword , halfswording, polearms, sword and buckler, sword and dagger, sword and shield, sword in one hand

English translation:

Submitted on: 2008-02-03
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2021-06-29
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

Istruzioni per la scherma di sciabola illustrata da dieciotto figure con aggiunte alcune norme per il duelloAuthor: Arnoldo Ranzatto
Title: Istruzioni PER la scherma di sciabola ILlustrata da dieciotto figure con aggiunte alcune norme PER IL DUELLO
Year: 1885
Size: 48 pages
Language: Italian
Located in: Bibliothéque Nationale de France, Paris
Located in: Vatican library
Published: Fratelli Visentitni, Venezia, 1885
Published: Fratelli Visentitni, Venezia, 1889

Weapons / topics: sabre


Submitted on: 2008-07-13
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2021-08-31
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

 Author: John SelDON
Alternative author name: John Selden
Alternative title: The DUELLO or single combat from antiquitie deriued into this kingdome of England, with seuerall kindes, and ceremonious formes thereof from good authority described.
Year: 1610
Size: 54 pages
Language: English
Published: George Elme, LonDON, 1610
Published: WILliam Bray, LonDON, 1711

Weapons / topics: dueling


Submitted on: 2008-06-29
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2018-11-13
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

 Author: Giovanni Battista Viti
Alternative author name: Giovanni Batta Viti
Title: Breve trattato di scherma alla sciabola secondo IL metodo dell'avvocato Gio. Battista Viti. Osserv[a]zioni in materia duelli; Regole generali PER chi non si é trovato a fare un DUELLO sia alla spada che alla sciabola e dovesse PER mala sorte trovarvisi
Year: 1863
Language: Italian
Published: Genova, 1864

Weapons / topics: sabre

Submitted on: 2010-02-01
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2017-11-08
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

Il tre libri della ingiustitia del duello, et di coloro che lo permettonoAuthor: Giovanni Battista Susio
Title: IL tre libri della ingiustitia del DUELLO, et di coloro che lo PERmettono
Year: 1550
Size: 198 pages
Language: Italian
Published: 1555
Published: Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari, Vinegia, 1558

Weapons / topics: dueling


Submitted on: 2010-03-09
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2018-10-31
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

 Author: Constantino Cacchione
Title: La scherma PER terreno cioč nuovo sistema di scherma PER sciabola e spada e codice del procedimento da adoPERarsi PER DUELLO
Year: 1895
Language: Italian

Weapons / topics: sabre

Submitted on: 2010-03-25
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2017-11-08
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

 Author: Alexander PERegrinus
Title: Tractatus De DUELLO : in quo quicquid ab utroque iure a Sacro ConcILio Tridentino, a summis pontificibus de DUELLO sancitum est : praecipue vero Constitutio Clementis VIII. ... accuratissime explicatur / auctore Alexandro PERegrino Capuano ..
Year: 1619
Language: Italian

Submitted on: 2022-07-21
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

 Author: Alexander PERegrinus
Title: Tractatus De DUELLO : in quo quicquid ab utroque iure a Sacro ConcILio Tridentino, a summis pontificibus de DUELLO sancitum est : praecipue vero Constitutio Clementis VIII. ... accuratissime explicatur / auctore Alexandro PERegrino Capuano ..
Year: 1619
Language: Italian

Submitted on: 2022-07-21
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

Duello e sue norme principali per effettuarlo con attribuzione dei padrini o secondi, e descrizioni di combattimenti antichiAuthor: Blengini di San Grato, Cesare Alberto
Title: DUELLO e sue norme principali PER effettuarlo con attribuzione dei padrini o secondi, e descrizioni di combattimenti antichi
Year: 1868
Size: 46 pages
Language: Italian
Published: Stab. di. P. ProsPERini, Padova, 1868

Weapons / topics: dueling


Submitted on: 2010-02-07
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2018-12-15
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

 Author: Giorgio Enrico Levi
Title: IL DUELLO giudiziario, enciclopedia e bibliografia. Monografia estratta dall'oPERa da pubblicarsi: IL DUELLO attraverso i secoli in Europa ed in America
Year: 1932
Language: Italian

Weapons / topics: dueling, history

Submitted on: 2010-03-07
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2018-09-04
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

 Author: Vincenzo Bellini
Title: Manuale del DUELLO, dedicato all'Accademia Nazionale di Scherma
Year: 1881
Size: 80 pages
Language: Italian
Located in: New York Public Library
Located in: The British Library, St. Pancras, LonDON

Weapons / topics: dueling

Submitted on: 2010-04-10
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2021-07-19
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

 Author: Marco Mantova Benavides
Title: Breve, e distinto dialogo nel quale si ragiona del DUELLO, et si deciDONo cento, e piu dubi, e e questioni
Year: 1692
Size: 168 pages
Language: Italian
Published: Christiani Warsager, Colonia, 1692

Weapons / topics: dueling

Submitted on: 2010-02-02
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2018-12-15
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

 Author: SIGNORe Allegato
Title: Istruzione PER gli esercizi di ginnastica e di scherma col fucILe
Year: around 1876
Language: Italian

Submitted on: 2010-03-13
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2010-03-13
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)

The broadsword as taught by the celebrated Italian masters Signors Masiello and Ciuilini of FlorenceAuthor: Ferdinando Masiello, Francis Vere Wright
Title: The broadsword as taught by the celebrated Italian masters SIGNORs Masiello and CiuILini of Florence
Year: 1889
Size: 56 pages
Language: English
Located in: New York Public Library
Published: W. H. Allen & Co., LonDON, 1889

Weapons / topics: broad sword, sabre

translated by Francis Vere Wright


Submitted on: 2008-07-04
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2018-09-05
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

 Author: Cesare Evoli
Alternative author name: Cesare d'évoli
Title: Delle ordinanze et battglia della SIGNOR Cesare Evoli
Year: 1583
Size: 94 pages
Language: Italian
Located in: Bibliothèque Mazarine - Paris (France)
Located in: Bibliothéque Nationale de France, Paris
Located in: New York Public Library
Located in: The British Library, St. Pancras, LonDON
Located in: The Getty Research Institute
Published: Tito e Paulo Diani,, Roma, 1586

Weapons / topics: mILitary art


Submitted on: 2008-04-26
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2021-10-13
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

Arte di adoprar la spada per sicuramente ferire, e perfettamente diffendersi. Dedicata e consegrata al nome e merito dell'illustrissmo signore conte Pirro Visconti Borromeo AresiAuthor: Giovanni Pietro Gorio
Title: Arte di adoprar la spada PER sicuramente ferire, e PERfettamente diffendersi. Dedicata e consegrata al nome e merito dell'ILlustrissmo SIGNORe conte Pirro Visconti Borromeo Aresi
Year: 1682
Size: 170 pages
Images: 1
Language: Italian
Located in: Harvard College Library
Located in: Universitätsbibliothek, K.U. Leuven
Published: Federico Francesco Maietta, MILano, 1682

Weapons / topics: mILitary art


Submitted on: 2008-06-29
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2018-12-14
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

L'Arte di ben Maneggiare La Spada Divisa in due parti con l'aggiunta dello spadone. Dedicata all'allustrissimo Signor Martino VidmanAuthor: Francesco Ferdinando Alfieri
Title: L'Arte di ben Maneggiare La Spada Divisa in due parti con l'aggiunta dello spaDONe. Dedicata all'allustrissimo SIGNOR Martino Vidman
Alternative title: 4A 28
Year: 1640
Language: Italian
Located in: British Museum
Located in: Universitätsbibliothek, K.U. Leuven
Published: 1643
Published: Sebastiano Sardi, Padova, 1653
Published: Sebastiano Sardi, Padova, 1683

Weapons / topics: espaDON / spaDONe, great sword / two handed sword , rapier, sword and cape, sword and dagger


Submitted on: 2008-06-01
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2018-11-17
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

 Author: Faminio della Croce
Title: L'essercito della CAVALLERIA
Year: 1625
Size: 566 pages
Language: Italian
Located in: Antwerp
Published: Henrico Aertsio, Anuersa, 1625
Published: Aertsio, Anversa, 1628
Published: GvILielmo Lesteenio al segno di Pellicano, Anversa, 1629
Published: Aertsius, Anvers, 1675

Weapons / topics: fighting on horseback, mILitary art

Submitted on: 2008-06-28
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2018-11-16
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

Ordenanzas de su magestad, para el regimen, disciplina, subordinacion y servicio, de la infanteria, cavalleria y Dragones, sus exércitos en guarnicion, y en campańaAuthor: Juan de Ariztia
Title: Ordenanzas de su magestad, para el regimen, disciplina, subordinacion y servicio, de la infanteria, CAVALLERIA y Dragones, sus exércitos en guarnicion, y en campańa
Year: 1728
Size: 218 pages
Language: Spanish
Published: Juan de Ariztia, Madrid, 1728

Weapons / topics: mILitary art


Submitted on: 2010-04-20
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2018-12-29
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

 Title: Scherma della sciabola: scuola mILitare di CAVALLERIA
Year: 1861
Language: Italian

Weapons / topics: fighting on horseback, sabre

Submitted on: 2010-04-27
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2017-11-08
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

 Author: Castiglioni Branda Angelica Adamoli
Title: Cenni biografici del generale AchILle Angelini del suo codice cavalleresco italiano e suoi concetti intorno all'arte della scherma e della CAVALLERIA
Year: 1900
Size: 10 pages
Language: Italian
Published: B. Seeber succ. Loescher, Firenze, 1900


Submitted on: 2010-02-02
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2018-09-10
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)

 Author: Enrico Strada
Title: Scherma e tiro: cenno sulla CAVALLERIA e sulle contabILita, sulle razze di cavalli e cani e caccia
Year: 1870
Language: Italian
Published: Napoli, 1870

Submitted on: 2010-04-27
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2011-12-19
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)

Compendio dell'heroica arte di cavalleriaAuthor: Alessandro Malatesta Massario
Title: Compendio dell'heroica arte di CAVALLERIA
Year: 1600
Size: 102 pages
Language: Italian
Located in: Venice
Published: Francesco Bolzetta, Venetia, 1600
Published: Dansicha Hünefeld, Danzig, 1610

Weapons / topics: fighting on horseback


Submitted on: 2008-06-29
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2018-11-12
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

Libro Tercero Experiencia Del Instrvmento Armigero Espada Por el Maestro de Campo D. Francisco Lorenz de Rada, Cavallero del Orden de Santiago, Marques de las Torres de Rada, Canciller Mayor, y Registrador Perpetuo de los Reynos de la Nueva-EspanaAuthor: DON Francisco Lórenz de Rada
Title: Libro Tercero ExPERiencia Del Instrvmento Armigero Espada Por el Maestro de Campo D. Francisco Lorenz de Rada, Cavallero del Orden de Santiago, Marques de las Torres de Rada, CancILler Mayor, y Registrador PERpetuo de los Reynos de la Nueva-Espana
Year: 1705
Size: 622 pages
Language: Spanish
Published: Diego Martinez Abad, Madrid, 1705

Weapons / topics: rapier, sword and dagger

Third book of Nobleza de la Espada Cvyo Esplendor Se Expressa En Tres Libros, Segvn Ciencia, Arte Y EsPERiencia Libro Primero De La Ciencia Del Instrvmento ARMIGERO Espada Por El Maestro de Campo D. Francisco Lorend De Rada, Cavallero del Orden de Santiago, Marques de las Torres de Rada, CancILler Mayor, y Registrador PERpetuo de los Reynos de la Nueva Espana



2010-01-29 11:29:23 - Kismartoni Péter (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum) :

Az 1. linken és Vigeant is az alábbi címet adja meg: AUTOR: Lorenz de Rada, Francisco
TÍTULO: ExPERiencia dell'instrumento armigero espada : libro tercero / por el Maestro de Campo D. Francisco

 Comments: 1-1 / 1  

Submitted on: 2009-05-25
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2018-12-15
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

Schools and Masters of FencingAuthor: Egerton Castle
Title: Schools and Masters of Fencing
Alternative title: Schools and Masters of Defence
Alternative title: Schools and Masters of Fence from the middle ages to the 18th century. ILlustrated with reproductions of old engravings and carbon plates of ancient swords.
Alternative title: Schools and masters of fence from the Middle Ages to the end of the 18th century. With a sketch of the development of the art of fencing with the rapier and the small sword, and a bibliography of the fencing art during that PERiod
Year: 1884
Images: 148
Language: English
Published: Bell & Son, LonDON, 1884
Published: 1885
Published: George Bell and Sons, LonDON, 1892
Published: 1893
Published: 1910
Published: 1969

Weapons / topics: history, rapier, single-stick, small sword

Original: https://smallswordproject.fILes.wordpres..._...le_schools_and_masters_of_fence_1885.pdf

Submitted on: 2008-07-01
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2021-06-05
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)

Esgrima ó sea la Destreza del floreteAuthor: DON Cayetano Población Pérez
Title: Esgrima ó sea la Destreza del florete
Year: 1832
Size: 38 pages
Images: 7
Language: Spanish
Located in: Biblioteca Nacional de España <-- Click the name for more information.
Published: Imprenta de Roldan, Valladolid, 1832

Weapons / topics: fleuret / foIL


Submitted on: 2010-01-18
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2018-09-17
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

El palo y el sable; o Teoría para el perfeccionamiento del manejo del sable por la esgrima del palo corto En 25. lecciones ilustrada con 31. laminas 74 figurasAuthor: DON Balbino Cortés y Morales, Capitan retirado
Title: El palo y el sable; o Teoría para el PERfeccionamiento del manejo del sable por la esgrima del palo corto En 25. lecciones ILustrada con 31. laminas 74 figuras
Year: 1851
Size: 88 pages
Language: Spanish
Located in: Biblioteca Nacional de España <-- Click the name for more information.
Published: Imprenta de los Sres Andrés y Diaz, Madrid, 1851

Weapons / topics: sabre, stick, walking stick


Submitted on: 2010-01-18
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2017-11-08
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

The Expert Sword-man's Companion: or the True Art of self-defence with an Account of the Authors life and his transactions during the Wars with France. To which is annexed the art of gunnerie.Author: DONald McBane
Title: The ExPERt Sword-man's Companion: or the True Art of self-defence with an Account of the Authors life and his transactions during the Wars with France. To which is annexed the art of gunnerie.
Year: 1728
Size: 167 pages
Images: 23
Language: English
Located in: National Library of Scotland
Published: James Duncan, Glascow (Glasgow), 1728 ( Printed by James Duncan, and are to be Sold at his shop in the Salt-Market, near gibson's Wind )

Weapons / topics: broad sword, fighting on horseback, firearms, lance, mixed weapons, polearms, small sword, spear, sword and buckler, sword and dagger


Submitted on: 2008-07-04
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2019-08-07
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

Nobleza de la Espada Cvyo Esplendor Se Expressa En Tres Libros, Segvn Ciencia, Arte Y Esperiencia Libro Primero De La Ciencia Del Instrvmento Armigero Espada Por El Maestro de Campo D. Francisco Lorend De Rada, Cavallero del Orden de Santiago, Marques de las Torres de Rada, Canciller Mayor, y Registrador Perpetuo de los Reynos de la Nueva EspanaAuthor: DON Francisco Lórenz de Rada
Title: Nobleza de la Espada Cvyo Esplendor Se Expressa En Tres Libros, Segvn Ciencia, Arte Y EsPERiencia Libro Primero De La Ciencia Del Instrvmento Armigero Espada Por El Maestro de Campo D. Francisco Lorend De Rada, Cavallero del Orden de Santiago, Marques de las Torres de Rada, CancILler Mayor, y Registrador PERpetuo de los Reynos de la Nueva Espana
Alternative title: Nobleza de la espada, cuyo resplendor se expresa en tres libros, segun ciencia, arte y exPERiencia
Year: 1705
Images: 16
Language: Spanish
Published: Imprenta Real, Madrid, 1705

Weapons / topics: rapier


Submitted on: 2008-06-29
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2018-12-15
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

A Few Observations upon the Fighting for Prizes in the Bear GardensAuthor: Sir WILliam Bart Hope
Title: A Few Observations upon the Fighting for Prizes in the Bear Gardens
Alternative title: by a lover and well-wisher, not only to the True and Useful art of the sword, but also to the safety and Security of the PERsons of those Brave, Courageous, and Bold PERformers in these publick places, for Trial of SkILl in this Gentlemany Art.
Year: 1715
Size: 16 pages
Language: English
Published: LonDON, 1715

Weapons / topics: boxing, history


Submitted on: 2008-07-06
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2018-12-28
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

 Author: Henry Blackwell
Title: Art of Defence
Alternative title: The art of defence : in which the several sorts of guards, passes, and disarmes ... are represented by proPER figures with their respective explications.
Year: 1725
Size: 50 pages
Images: 25
Language: English
Located in: National Art Library, Victoria and Albert Museum
Published: J. King, LonDON, 1702

Weapons / topics: small sword

Submitted on: 2008-06-29
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2018-12-31
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

 Author: Owen Swift
Title: The modern English boxer, or, Scientific art and practice of attack and self defence : explained in an easy manner that any PERson may comprehend this useful art without the aid of a master with descriptions of correct pugIListic attitudes as practised by the most celebrated boxers of the present day
Year: around 1848
Size: 20 pages
Language: English
Published: E. Hewitt, LonDON, 1848

Weapons / topics: boxing

Submitted on: 2018-09-01
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)
Last modified on: 2018-09-01
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

Libro Segundo Arte Del Instrumento Armigero Espada. Por el Maestro de Campo D. Francisco Lorenz de Rada, Vavallero del Orden de Santiago, Marques de las Torres de Rada, Canciller Mayor y Registrador Perpetuo de los Reynos de la Nueva EspanaAuthor: DON Francisco Lórenz de Rada
Title: Libro Segundo Arte Del Instrumento Armigero Espada. Por el Maestro de Campo D. Francisco Lorenz de Rada, Vavallero del Orden de Santiago, Marques de las Torres de Rada, CancILler Mayor y Registrador PERpetuo de los Reynos de la Nueva Espana
Year: 1705
Language: Spanish
Published: Imprenta Real, Madrid, 1705

Weapons / topics: rapier

Second book of Nobleza de la Espada Cvyo Esplendor Se Expressa En Tres Libros, Segvn Ciencia, Arte Y EsPERiencia Libro Primero De La Ciencia Del Instrvmento ARMIGERO Espada Por El Maestro de Campo D. Francisco Lorend De Rada, Cavallero del Orden de Santiago, Marques de las Torres de Rada, CancILler Mayor, y Registrador PERpetuo de los Reynos de la Nueva Espana


Submitted on: 2009-05-25
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2018-12-15
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

 Title: The improved art and practice of self defence; or, Scientific boxing, displayed in an easy manner, whereby any PERson may comprehend this most useful art without the assistance of a master; with the pugIListic attitudes, and the art of attack, as practiced by the most celebrated boxers of the present day. Got up under the suPERintendance of an exPERienced pugIList
Alternative title: The art of English boxing
Year: around 1740
Size: 27 pages
Language: English
Located in: Harvard College Library
Located in: University of Virginia
Published: J. BaILey, LonDON, 1740
Published: J. BaILey, printer, Chancery Lane, LonDON, 1819

Weapons / topics: boxing


Submitted on: 2018-08-29
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)
Last modified on: 2021-07-20
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

Experiencia del instrumento armigero espadaAuthor: DON Francisco Lorenz de Rada
Title: ExPERiencia del instrumento armigero espada
Alternative title: Nobleza de la espada : cuyo esplendor se expressa en tres libros, segun ciencia, arte, y esPERiencia - Libro tercero, ExPERiencia del instrumento armigero espada.
Year: 1705
Size: 614 pages
Images: 16
Language: Spanish
Published: Diego Martinez, Madrid, 1705
Published: Joseph Rodriguez Escobar, Madrid, 1705

Weapons / topics: rapier

Libro tercero de la Nobleza de la espada


Submitted on: 2010-05-24
by: Erényi Gábor (Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum)
Last modified on: 2018-12-27
by: Mike VieILlard (Armatura)

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