| Author: JAIME PONS de Perpiñán Title: LA VERDADERA ESGRIMA y el ARTE de ESGRIMIR Year: 1472 Language: Spanish
| Submitted on: 2023-05-03 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) 1351629 |
| Author: Don JAIME Merelo y Casademunt Title: Tratado de LA VERDADERA ESGRIMA del fusil ó carabina armados de bayoneta, dispuesta en cuatro divisiones figurades para el uso de LAs tropas de infanteria y aumentada con instrucciones sobre LA caballeria Year: 1858 Size: 152 pages Images: 2 Language: Spanish Published: J. Lopez Fando, Toledo, 1858
WeaPONS / topics: bayonet
Original: http://bdh-rd.bne.es/viewer.vm?id=0000084193&page=1
| Submitted on: 2010-05-05 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2017-11-08 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1351636 |
| Author: Don JAIME Merelo y Casademunt Alternative author name: Don JAIME Merelo y Casademant Title: Elementos de ESGRIMA para instruir al soldado de infantería en LA VERDADERA destreza del fusil o carabina armados de bayoneta dedicada al ejérctio Espanol y dispuesta en trea divisiones, dos para infanteria y otra contra caballeria Year: 1861 Size: 85 pages Images: 1 Language: Spanish Located in: Biblioteca Nacional de España <-- Click the name for more information.
Published: Imprenta y Libreria de Severaino Lopez de Fando, Toledo, 1861 Published: 1863 Published: 1864 Published: Fando, Toledo, 1865 Published: 1866 Published: 1867 Published: 1875 Published: 1879 Published: 1882
WeaPONS / topics: bayonet
Original: http://bibliotecadigitalhispanica.bne.es..._...y&custom_att_2=simple_viewer&pid=1628201
| Submitted on: 2010-01-18 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2011-12-26 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) 1351681 |
| Author: Don Liborio Vendrell y Eduart Oficial de Administracion Militar Title: ARTE de ESGRIMIR el Sable: arregLAdo á los adeLAntos de LA escueLA moderna Year: 1879 Language: Spanish Located in: Biblioteca Nacional de España <-- Click the name for more information.
Published: Imprenta y Libreria de Elias SarasqueLA, Vitoria, 1879
WeaPONS / topics: sabre
Original: http://bibliotecadigitalhispanica.bne.es..._...y&custom_att_2=simple_viewer&pid=1628212
Link: http://www.ESGRIMAgranada.org/abrelibros.php?libro=aes&libpag=0
| Submitted on: 2008-07-04 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2010-01-30 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) 1351549 |
| Author: Don Manuel Cruzado y Peralta Alternative author name: Manuel Cruzada y Peralta Title: LAs tretas de LA vulgar y comun ESGRIMA de espada soLA y con armas dobles, que reprobo Don Luis Pacheco de Narvaez, y LAs oposiciones que dispuso en VERDADERA destreza contra elLAs, redvceLAs a compendio, anadiendo algunas notas, y advertencias mvy essenciales, y le dedica Alex. Mo. Senord. Antonio Martin Alvarez de Toledo, Duque de Alva, y de Huescar Year: 1702 Size: 140 pages Language: Spanish Located in: University Library of Madrid
Published: Zaragoza, 1702
WeaPONS / topics: double sword, rapier, sword in one hand
Original: http://books.google.com/books?id=9cX1lNsy0ewC
| Submitted on: 2010-01-08 by: Charles BLAir (Chicago SwordpLAy Guild) Last modified on: 2018-12-04 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1351706 |
| Author: Don Francisco Lorenz de Rada Title: Defensa de LA VERDADERA destreza de LAs armas, y respuesta... á LA carta apologética que le escribío Diego Rodriguez de Guzmán, graduado de maestro de ESGRIMA en LA Universidad del Engańo Year: 1712 Size: 301 pages Language: Spanish Published: Miguel de Rivera Calderón,, Mexico, 1712
WeaPONS / topics: rapier
Original: http://dspace.sheol.uniovi.es/dspace/bitstream/10651/1832/1/1151795.pdf
| Submitted on: 2010-02-05 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2018-12-27 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1351645 |
| Author: Don José Merelo y Casademunt Title: Manual de ESGRIMA, recapituLAción de LAs tretas más principales que constituyen LA VERDADERA ESGRIMA del sable espańol y del florete Year: 1878 Language: Spanish Published: Establecimiento typografico de R. LAbajos, calle de LA Cabeza, Madrid, 1878 Published: 1993
WeaPONS / topics: fleuret / foil, sabre
Original: http://bdh-rd.bne.es/viewer.vm?id=0000084059&page=1
Link: http://www.ESGRIMAgranada.org/abrelibros.php?libro=mer&libpag=0
| Submitted on: 2008-07-08 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2017-11-08 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1351667 |
| Author: Felipe Navarro e Izquierdo Title: Un progresso en LA ESGRIMA del sable: método para ESGRIMIR en combate real ó effectivo con un solo y seguro quite y reducidas treatas pero seguros resultados Year: 1901 Size: 16 pages Language: Spanish Published: M. Ferreró y Co, Valencia, 1901
WeaPONS / topics: sabre
| Submitted on: 2010-05-08 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2018-09-17 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1351577 |
| Author: Maestro Don Manuel Antonio de Brea Title: Principios universales y regLAs generales de LA VERDADERA destreza del Espadin segun LA doctrina mixta de franceas, italiana y espanoLA dispuestos para instruccion de los caballeros seminaristas del real seminario de nobles de esta corte Year: 1805 Size: 68 pages Images: 18 Language: Spanish Located in: Biblioteca Nacional de España <-- Click the name for more information.
Published: Imprenta Real, Madrid, 1805 Published: 1995
WeaPONS / topics: dagger, mixed weaPONS, rapier
Original: http://bibliotecadigitalhispanica.bne.es..._...y&custom_att_2=simple_viewer&pid=1628234
Original: http://books.google.be/books?id=sCQkv7HL2NYC
| Submitted on: 2008-07-04 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2018-12-02 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1351619 |
| Author: Liborio Vendrell y Eduart Title: ARTE de ESGRIMIR el palo Year: 1881 Size: 58 pages Language: Spanish Located in: Biblioteca Nacional de España <-- Click the name for more information.
Published: Imprenta de LA Viuda é Hijos de Iturbe, Vitoria, 1881
WeaPONS / topics: stick, walking stick
Original: http://bibliotecadigitalhispanica.bne.es..._...y&custom_att_2=simple_viewer&pid=1628250
English transLAtion: https://hitandnotbehit.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/fencing_with_a_cane_1881.pdf
| Submitted on: 2010-01-18 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2019-05-16 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1351624 |
| Author: JAIME Merelo y Casademunt Title: Tratado Completo de LA ESGRIMA del Sable Espanol Year: 1862 Size: 199 pages Language: Spanish Located in: Pennsylvania State University
Published: Imprenta de Severiano López Fando, Toledo, 1862 Published: 1879
WeaPONS / topics: sabre
Original: http://books.google.com/books?id=WwkJAQAAMAAJ
Original: https://hdl.handle.net/2027/pst.000000251624
| Submitted on: 2009-04-21 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2018-10-25 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1351523 |
| Author: Don Juan NicoLAs Perinat Title: ARTE De ESGRIMIR Florete y Sable Por los principios mas seguros faciles é inteligibles Year: 1757 Images: 36 Language: Spanish Located in: Biblioteca Nacional de España <-- Click the name for more information.
Published: 1757 Published: Imprenta de LA Real Academia de Cavalleros Guardias Marinas, Cadix, 1758
WeaPONS / topics: fleuret / foil, sabre, small sword
Original: http://bibliotecadigitalhispanica.bne.es..._...y&custom_att_2=simple_viewer&pid=1628268 ( 1758 version )
Original: http://bibliotecavirtualmadrid.org/bvmad..._...ownload=0&presentacion=pagina&posicion=7 ( 1757 version )
| Submitted on: 2010-01-13 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2018-01-15 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1351809 |
| Author: Don Francisco Lórenz de Rada Title: Libro Tercero Experiencia Del Instrvmento Armigero Espada Por el Maestro de Campo D. Francisco Lorenz de Rada, Cavallero del Orden de Santiago, Marques de LAs Torres de Rada, Canciller Mayor, y Registrador Perpetuo de los Reynos de LA Nueva-Espana Year: 1705 Size: 622 pages Language: Spanish Published: Diego Martinez Abad, Madrid, 1705
WeaPONS / topics: rapier, sword and dagger
Third book of Nobleza de LA Espada Cvyo Esplendor Se Expressa En Tres Libros, Segvn Ciencia, ARTE Y Esperiencia Libro Primero De LA Ciencia Del Instrvmento ARMIGERO Espada Por El Maestro de Campo D. Francisco Lorend De Rada, Cavallero del Orden de Santiago, Marques de LAs Torres de Rada, Canciller Mayor, y Registrador Perpetuo de los Reynos de LA Nueva Espana
Original: http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/searc..._...,8,26,B/l962&FF=dESGRIMA&9,,17,006639,-1
Original: http://books.google.com/books?id=AD2HopsJYr4C
2010-01-29 11:29:23 - Kismartoni Péter (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) :
Comments: 1-1 / 1 | Submitted on: 2009-05-25 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2018-12-15 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1351607 |
| Author: Alejandro Barba Title: El boxeo y LA ESGRIMA de bastón Age: 19. century Size: 184 pages Language: Spanish Published: Manuel Soler, Barcelona ; Buenos Aires, 1867 Published: Manuel Soler, Barcelona, 1903 Published: GalLAch, Barcelona, 1910 Published: Manuel Soler, Barcelona, 1912
WeaPONS / topics: boxing, quARTErstaff, stick, walking stick
| Submitted on: 2010-02-07 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2018-10-16 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1351522 |
| Author: Mariano Sábat y Fargas Title: Filosofía del ARTE de LA ESGRIMA: LA teoría y LA prática para defenderse y ofender con ventaja: obra útil para los jóvenes que se dedican al estudio de erste ARTE y especialmente para los militares Year: 1883 Size: 182 pages Language: Spanish Located in: Biblioteca Deportiva Nacional Madrid
Published: Imprenta á vapor de LA Nacion, Rincon núm 16, Montevideo, 1883
Original: http://bvpb.mcu.es/es/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?interno=S&posicion=1&path=26451&forma=
| Submitted on: 2010-02-13 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2013-01-14 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) 1351577 |
| Author: Federico Ynglés Sellés Title: Tratado teórico-práctico de ESGRIMA. Secunda pARTE: sable Year: 1944 Language: Spanish
WeaPONS / topics: sabre
| Submitted on: 2010-05-05 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2017-11-08 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1351509 |
| Author: Don Francisco Lórenz de Rada Title: Nobleza de LA Espada Cvyo Esplendor Se Expressa En Tres Libros, Segvn Ciencia, ARTE Y Esperiencia Libro Primero De LA Ciencia Del Instrvmento Armigero Espada Por El Maestro de Campo D. Francisco Lorend De Rada, Cavallero del Orden de Santiago, Marques de LAs Torres de Rada, Canciller Mayor, y Registrador Perpetuo de los Reynos de LA Nueva Espana Alternative title: Nobleza de LA espada, cuyo resplendor se expresa en tres libros, segun ciencia, ARTE y experiencia Year: 1705 Images: 16 Language: Spanish Published: Imprenta Real, Madrid, 1705
WeaPONS / topics: rapier
Original: http://trobes.uv.es/search~S1*val?/dEsgr..._...dESGRIMA+obres+anteriors+a+1800&4%2C%2C4
Original: http://bdh-rd.bne.es/viewer.vm?id=0000014723&page=1
| Submitted on: 2008-06-29 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2018-12-15 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1351672 |
| Author: Don Francisco Lórenz de Rada Title: Libro Segundo ARTE Del Instrumento Armigero Espada. Por el Maestro de Campo D. Francisco Lorenz de Rada, Vavallero del Orden de Santiago, Marques de LAs Torres de Rada, Canciller Mayor y Registrador Perpetuo de los Reynos de LA Nueva Espana Year: 1705 Language: Spanish Published: Imprenta Real, Madrid, 1705
WeaPONS / topics: rapier
Second book of Nobleza de LA Espada Cvyo Esplendor Se Expressa En Tres Libros, Segvn Ciencia, ARTE Y Esperiencia Libro Primero De LA Ciencia Del Instrvmento ARMIGERO Espada Por El Maestro de Campo D. Francisco Lorend De Rada, Cavallero del Orden de Santiago, Marques de LAs Torres de Rada, Canciller Mayor, y Registrador Perpetuo de los Reynos de LA Nueva Espana
Original: http://trobes.uv.es/search~S1*val?/dEsgr..._...dESGRIMA+obres+anteriors+a+1800&2%2C%2C4
| Submitted on: 2009-05-25 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2018-12-15 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1351671 |
| Author: C. Román PunzaLAn Zapata Title: Prontuario de ESGRIMA en pocas lecciones, para facilitar LA breve inteligencia del ARTE Year: 1824 Size: 87 pages Language: Spanish Published: Galván, Méjico, 1833
| Submitted on: 2010-01-17 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2018-09-17 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1351445 |
| Author: Don Antonio Álvarez García Title: Grandezas del ARTE de LA ESGRIMA Year: 1892 Size: 108 pages Language: Spanish Published: imp. del. E.M. de LA Capitanía general, Habana, 1893
WeaPONS / topics: bayonet, dagger, épée, fleuret / foil, quARTErstaff, rapier, sabre
Original: https://books.google.ca/books?id=Z7gUAAAAYAAJ
| Submitted on: 2008-07-07 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2021-08-24 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1351603 |
| Author: Joaquin LArralde Title: Elementos de ESGRIMA: definiciones regLAs, consejos y manifestación de todas LAs cuestiones que forman el ARTE en al manejo de LA espada po Year: 1896 Size: 181 pages Language: Spanish Published: D. Appleton y Compañia, Nueva York, 1896
| Submitted on: 2010-02-07 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2018-09-17 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1351518 |
| Author: RoLAndo Guzman Title: Nuevo ARTE de ESGRIMA: conforme a LA practica de los mejores maestros de Europa. Aumentado y corregido por J. S. Forsyth, y traducido del inglés por un Militar Espanol. Year: 1826 Size: 194 pages Language: Spanish Located in: New York Public Library
Published: R. Ackermann, Londres, 1826
WeaPONS / topics: épée, fleuret / foil
Original: http://www.archive.org/details/nuevoARTEdeesgr00guzmgoog
Original: http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=HVMCAAAAYAAJ
Original: https://hdl.handle.net/2027/nyp.33433066623244
2010-01-29 11:59:33 - Kismartoni Péter (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) :
Comments: 1-1 / 1 | Submitted on: 2009-04-23 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2020-01-10 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1351483 |
| Author: D. C. LAzzaro Title: El fin y los medios de LA ESGRIMA racional: complemento al ARTE de LAs armas Year: 1897 Language: Spanish
| Submitted on: 2010-02-07 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) 1351508 |
| Author: Ridolfo Capoferro da Cagli Alternative author name: Ridolfo Capo Fero Alternative author name: Ridolfo Capo Ferro Title: Gran SimuLAcro dell'ARTE Edell'uso delLA Scherma. Dedicato al srenissimo Sig. don Federigo Feltrio delLA Rovere, principe dello stato d'Urbino Alternative title: Gran SimuLAcro dell'ARTE e dell'Uso delLA Scherma Year: 1610 Images: 43 Language: Italian Located in: University of Michigan
Published: Apresso Saluestro Marchetti e Camillo Turi, Siena, 1610 Published: 1629 Published: 1632 Published: 1652 Published: Greenhill Books, 2004 ( as Italian Rapier Combat (transLAtion of Gran SimuLAcro) by Jared Kirby ) Published: SwordWorks, London, 2007 ( as Rapier: The Art and Use of Fencing by Ridolfo Capo Ferro by Nick Thomas ) Published: 2009 ( as GRAN SIMULACRO del ARTE y uso de LA ESGRIMA. Ridolfo Capoferro. DEL ARTE Y DEL USO DE LA ESGRIMA DE RIDOLFO CAPOFERRO DA CAGLI by Eugenio Garcia-Salmones (TRANSLATION of the ITALIAN treatise to castilian) )
WeaPONS / topics: rapier, sword and cape, sword and dagger, sword and shield
Containing 43 brass pLAtes made by Rafael Schiamirossi.
Vigeant writes about a 2nd edition.
Original: https://www.mori.bz.it/Scherma/Capoferro%20Gram%20SimuLAcro.pdf
Original: https://archive.org/details/EST92RES_P44
Original: https://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015086047753
Original: https://hdl.handle.net/2027/gri.ark:/13960/t8sc1ph47
Transcription: http://www.compaquiLA.com/manuali/Capoferro2.pdf
Spanish transLAtion: http://www.ESGRIMAhistorica.es/Documento..._...anSimuLAcrodelARTEydelUsodeLAESGRIMA.pdf
Interpretation: http://www.freeLAnceacademypress.com/capoferro.aspx
| Submitted on: 2008-04-20 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2023-05-06 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) 1352215 |
| Author: Ridolfo Capoferro Alternative author name: Eugenio Garcia-Salmones (TransLAtion of the italian treatise to castilian.) Title: Gran simuLAcro del ARTE y uso de LA ESGRIMA. Ridolfo Capoferro.
DE RIDOLFO CAPOFERRO DA CAGLI Year: 2009 Size: 146 pages Language: Spanish
WeaPONS / topics: rapier
Original: http://www.aviea.org/documentacion/bibli..._...de_LA_ESGRIMA_Capo_Ferro_1610[AVIEA].pdf
| Submitted on: 2010-03-27 by: Eugenio Garcia-Salmones (Asociación Vizcaína de ESGRIMA Antigua) Last modified on: 2010-03-27 by: Eugenio Garcia-Salmones (Asociación Vizcaína de ESGRIMA Antigua) 1351584 |
| Author: Federico Ynglés Sellés Title: Tratado teórico-práctico de ESGRIMA. Primera pARTE: florete Year: 1944 Language: Spanish
WeaPONS / topics: fleuret / foil
| Submitted on: 2010-05-05 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2018-10-16 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1351499 |
| Author: Federico Ynglés Sellés Title: Tratado teórico-práctico de ESGRIMA. Tercera pARTE: espada Year: 1944 Language: Spanish
| Submitted on: 2010-05-05 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) 1351520 |
| Author: C. Léon Broutin Title: El ARTE de LA ESGRIMA Year: 1893 Size: 179 pages Language: Spanish Located in: Biblioteca Nacional de España <-- Click the name for more information.
Published: Establecimiento tipografico de Ricardo Fe, Madrid, 1894
WeaPONS / topics: fleuret / foil
Original: http://bdh-rd.bne.es/viewer.vm?id=0000177602&page=1
| Submitted on: 2010-02-07 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2018-09-17 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1351501 |
| Author: Baltasar de Irurzun; Gregorio Sanz; Title: Encyclopedia metodica, dispuesta por orden de Materias. ARTEs academicos, Traducidos del Frances al CastelLAno: a saber, el ARTE de LA equitacion por Don Baltasar de Irurzun ; y el del bayle, de ESGRIMA y de nadar, por Don Gregorio Sanz. Year: 1791 Language: Spanish Published: Sancha, Madrid, 1791
WeaPONS / topics: sabre
| Submitted on: 2010-01-30 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2018-09-17 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1351591 |
| Author: Domingo Luis Godinho Title: ARTE de ESGRIMA Alternative title: El libro lhamado ARTE De ESGRIMA / compuesto por el maestro domingo luis godino Luzitano natural De LA uilLA De Santarem. De oscisis de olesipone Year: 1599 Size: 137 folia Language: Portuguese Located in: Biblioteca Deportiva Nacional Madrid
Located in: Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
WeaPONS / topics: great sword / two handed sword
Original: http://purl.pt/27089
| Submitted on: 2017-10-25 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) Last modified on: 2018-12-24 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) 1351579 |
| Author: Émile André Title: Manual practico de pugiLAto lucha de box, ESGRIMA del baston y del palo Year: around 1908 Language: Spanish
WeaPONS / topics: boxing, quARTErstaff, savate, stick, walking stick
| Submitted on: 2010-04-06 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2018-09-01 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1351643 |
| Author: Jayme PONS de Majorca de Perpignan Alternative author name: Jacobus Pona de Majorca de Perpignan Alternative author name: Jacobus PONS de Majorca de Perpignan Alternative author name: JAIME PONS de Perpiñan Alternative author name: Jaume Pona de Majorca de Perpignan Alternative author name: Jaume PONS de Majorca de Perpignan Alternative author name: Jayme Pona de Majorca de Perpignan Year: 1474 Language: Spanish Published: Perpinan, 1474
WeaPONS / topics: dagger, great sword / two handed sword , sword and buckler, sword and cape, sword and dagger
Interpretation: https://spanishsword.org/files/references.PONS.pdf
Link: http://spanishsword.org/documents
Link: http://www.wiktenauer.com/wiki/JAIME_PONS_de_Perpi%C3%B1an
| Submitted on: 2010-01-22 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2018-10-28 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1351781 |
| Author: Paulus Hector Mair Title: De ARTE athletica I Alternative title: BSB Codex icon. 393(1) Alternative title: HK-34 Alternative title: Opus amplissimum de ARTE athletica Year: around 1550 Size: 309 pages Language: LAtin Located in: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München <-- Click the name for more information.
WeaPONS / topics: dussack, fLAil, grappling and wrestling, longsword, mixed weaPONS, pike, polearms, quARTErstaff, scythe, sickle, sword and dagger
First volume of De ARTE athletica.
Original: This link is only avaiLAble for HEMAC members.
Original: http://www.hroarr.com/manuals/liechtenau..._...r-cod-icon-393-ARTE-athletica-I-1542.pdf
Original: http://www.hroarr.com/manuals/liechtenau..._...ca%20I%20-%20BSB%20Cod.icon.%20393(1.zip
Original: http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/bsb00006570/image_1
Original: https://www.fightschool.eu/historical-sources/library/cod-icon-393-1/
Original: http://mdz10.bib-bvb.de/~db/bsb00006570/images/
Transcription: http://wiktenauer.com/wiki/Paulus_Hector_Mair
English transLAtion: http://www.noorderwind.org/documents/PHMair_Sickle_English_transLAtion.pdf ( sickle part )
English transLAtion: http://wiktenauer.com/wiki/Paulus_Hector_Mair
Greek transLAtion: https://eurofencingresearches.wordpress...._...b1%ce%bd%cf%8c-%ce%bf%cf%80%ce%bb%ce%bf/ ( Dussack parts, transLAted by Panagiotis N. Klonos )
Interpretation: http://youtu.be/cuuM_CtvlpY ( sickle part )
Link: http://wiktenauer.com/wiki/Opus_Amplissimum_de_ARTE_Athletica_(Cod.Icon.393)
| Submitted on: 2008-02-03 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2022-01-23 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) 1351954 |
| Author: Giacomo di Grassi Title: His True ARTE of Defence, pLAinlie teaching by infalLAble Demonstrations, apt Figures and pefect Rules the manner and forme how a man without other teacher or master may safelie handle all sortes of weaPONS as well offensive as defensive; First written n Italian by the forsaid Author and Englished by I. G. gentleman Alternative title: 4A 642 Year: 1594 Language: English Located in: Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
Located in: Universitätsbibliothek, K.U. Leuven
Published: Fines Mundi, Saarbrücken Published: Thomas Churchyard, London, 1594 Published: 1972 ( In Three Elizabethan fencing manuals. Giacomo de Grassi his true ARTE of defence, 1594; Vincentio Saviolo his practice, 1595; George Silver, Paradoxes of defence, 1599, and Bref instructions upon my Paradoxes of defence by James Louis Jackson. )
WeaPONS / topics: longsword, pike, polearms, rapier, sword and buckler, sword and shield, sword in one hand
The transLAtion of A Ragioni di adoprar sicuramente l'arme.
Original: http://mac9.ucc.nau.edu/manuscripts/grassi.pdf
Original: http://www.hroarr.com/manuals/fiore/DiGrassi_1594.pdf
Original: http://www.hroarr.com/manuals/sabre-cutLAss-broadsword-rapier/DiGrassiHisTrueARTE.pdf
Original: http://www.umass.edu/renaissance/lord/pdfs/DiGrassi_1594.pdf
Transcription: http://www.hroarr.com/manuals/sabre-cutLAss-broadsword-rapier/diGrassi.doc
Transcription: http://www.musketeer.org/manuals/diGrassi/contents.htm
Transcription: http://www.cs.unc.edu/~hudson/digrassi
| Submitted on: 2008-03-16 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2021-06-15 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) 1352051 |
| Author: Paulus Hector Mair Title: De ARTE athletica II Alternative title: BSB Codex icon. 393(2) Alternative title: HK-34 Alternative title: Opus amplissimum de ARTE athletica Alternative title: Secunda GLAdiatoriae Artis Sive Year: around 1550 Size: 303 pages Language: LAtin Located in: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München <-- Click the name for more information.
WeaPONS / topics: armoured fighting, dagger, dueling shield, fighting on horseback, halfswording, LAnce, longsword, mixed weaPONS, pike, polearms, polLAxe, rapier, spear, sword and buckler, sword and dagger, sword in one hand
Second volume of De ARTE athletica.
Original: This link is only avaiLAble for HEMAC members.
Original: http://www.hroarr.com/manuals/liechtenau..._...-cod-icon-393-ARTE-athletica-II-1542.pdf
Original: http://www.hroarr.com/manuals/liechtenau..._...a%20II%20-%20BSB%20Cod.icon.%20393(2.zip
Original: http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/bsb00007894/image_1
Original: https://www.fightschool.eu/historical-sources/library/cod-icon-393-2/
Original: http://mdz10.bib-bvb.de/~db/bsb00007894/images/
Transcription: http://wiktenauer.com/wiki/Paulus_Hector_Mair
English transLAtion: http://wiktenauer.com/wiki/Paulus_Hector_Mair
Link: http://wiktenauer.com/wiki/Opus_Amplissimum_de_ARTE_Athletica_(Cod.Icon.393)
| Submitted on: 2008-02-03 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2018-11-05 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1351965 |
| Author: George Silver Title: Paradoxes of defence, wherein is proved the true grounds of fight to be in the short auncient weaPONS, and the short sword hath the advantage of the long sword or long rapier, and the weakness and imperfection of the rapier fight dispLAyed. Together with an admonition to the noble, ancient, victorious, valiant and most brave nation of Englishmen, to beware of false teachers of defence and how they forsake their own naturall fights; with a brief commendation of the noble science or exercising of arms Alternative title: 4A 1307 Year: 1599 Size: 134 pages Language: English Located in: Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
Located in: British Museum
Located in: Universitätsbibliothek, K.U. Leuven
Published: Edward Blount, London, 1599 Published: 1933 Published: 1968 Published: 1972 ( In Three Elizabethan fencing manuals. Giacomo de Grassi his true ARTE of defence, 1594; Vincentio Saviolo his practice, 1595; George Silver, Paradoxes of defence, 1599, and Bref instructions upon my Paradoxes of defence by James Louis Jackson. ) Published: PaLAdin Press, Boulder, Colorado, 2003 ( in Master of Defence by Paul Wagner ) Published: 2006 ( in English Swordsmanship by Stephen Hand ) Published: Frontline Books, Barnsley, UK, 2013 ( As A Gentleman's Guide to Duelling: Of Honour and Honourable Quarrels by Jared Kirby )
WeaPONS / topics: rapier
George Silver expressing his objections against the rapier.
Original: http://www.hroarr.com/manuals/sabre-cutLAss-broadsword-rapier/Silver_1599.pdf
Original: http://www.hroarr.com/manuals/sabre-cutLAss-broadsword-rapier/SilverParadoxesOfDefence.pdf
Original: http://www.umass.edu/renaissance/lord/pdfs/Silver_1599.pdf
Original: http://www.sirwilliamhope.org/Library/Silver
| Submitted on: 2008-04-20 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2021-06-15 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) 1352447 |
| Author: Filippo di Vadi di Pisa Alternative author name: Philippo di Vadi Title: Liber De ARTE GLAdiatoria Dimicandi Alternative title: Codex 1324 Alternative title: Codice 1324 Year: around 1483 Size: 42 folia Language: Italian Located in: Bibliotheca dell'Academica Nazionale dei Lincei e Corsiniana, Roma
Published: Chivalry Bookshelf, Union City, California, 2002 ( De ARTE GLAdiatoria Dimicandi: 15th Century Swordsmanship of Master Filippo Vadi; transLAted by Luca Porzio and Gregory Mele ) Published: Il Cerchio, Rimini, Italy, 2005
WeaPONS / topics: armoured fighting, dagger, halfswording, longsword, mixed weaPONS, polLAxe, spear, stick
Besides Fiore, the other perhaps most important work of the 15th century Italian masters. It was written between 1482 and 1487. Dedicated to Guidobaldo da Montefeltro, son of Frederico da Montefeltro, lord of Urbino.
Original: http://www.saLAfenix.eu/docs/biblio/trat..._...adiatoria_Dimicandi.1482.Original.it.pdf
Original: http://digitale.bnc.roma.sbn.it/tecadigi..._...ain/viewer?idMetadato=20892391&type=bncr ( Ms.Vitt.Em.1324 )
English transLAtion: http://www.thearma.org/Manuals/Vadi.htm
English transLAtion: http://www.chronique.com/Library/Fighting/vadi_transLAtion.html
English transLAtion: https://guywindsor.selz.com/es/item/53fc4cadb798720d906ece55
Interpretation: http://www.hroarr.com/manuals/fiore/omsg_LAnza.pdf ( Spear part. )
Groups working with this treatise:
| Submitted on: 2008-01-16 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2019-07-31 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1351993 |
| Alternative author name: Lutegerus Title: MS I.33 Alternative title: Beck 38.9.8 Alternative title: Frühmorgen-Voss 38.9.8 Alternative title: HK-30 Alternative title: Liber de ARTE dimicatoria Alternative title: Ms. membr. I 115 Alternative title: No. 14 E iii; No. 20; D. vi. I Alternative title: Tower Manuscript Alternative title: Walpurgis Fechtbuch Age: 14. century Size: 32 folia Images: 128 Language: LAtin Secondary language: German Located in: Royal Armouries, Leeds
Published: Chivalry Bookshelf, Union City, California, 2003 ( The Medieval Art of Swordsmanship: A Facsimile and TransLAtion of Europe's Oldest Personal Combat Treatise, Royal Armouries MS I.33 by Jeffrey L. Forgeng ) Published: Extraordinary Editions, London, 2012 ( visit www.illuminatedfightbook.co.uk to see the first full facsimile copy of I.33 - we need sPONSors in order to start production )
WeaPONS / topics: sword and buckler
The author is unknown, possibly a cleric named Lutegerus or Luitger, Liutger, although contains the handwriting of at least three different hands and numerous illustrators.
128 illustrations on 64 pages in LAtin, with some German terminology. Currently resides in Royal Armouries, Leeds, EngLAnd, before: Royal Library Museum, British Museum.
It was owned by Franconian monks until 1552.
Original: http://collections.royaLArmouries.org/in..._...iJpLjMzIjtpOjE7aTowO2k6MjtiOjA7fQ==&pg=1
Original: http://wiktenauer.com/wiki/Walpurgis_Fechtbuch_(MS_I.33)
Original: https://www.mori.bz.it/Scherma/Walpurgis%20Fechtbuch.pdf
Original: http://freywild.ch/i33/
Transcription: http://freywild.ch/i33/
English transLAtion: http://freywild.ch/i33/i33en.html
English transLAtion: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9or3jnmv7ave8r2/I_33_Joey_Nitti_TransLAtion.pdf?dl=0
English transLAtion: http://www.aemma.org/onlineResources/restricted/i33/i33text.pdf
English transLAtion: http://schwertfechten.ch/pdf/i33.pdf
German transLAtion: http://freywild.ch/i33/
German transLAtion: http://schwertfechten.ch/pdf/I33_2.pdf ( partial transLAtion )
Link: http://www.illuminatedfightbook.co.uk ( site for the new facsimile edition by Extraordinary Editions 2012 )
Link: http://schwertfechten.ch/pdf/I33_0Register.pdf
Groups working with this treatise:
2012-11-13 16:24:42 - Martin Morgan (Independant (Martin Morgan)) :
Comments: 1-1 / 1 | Submitted on: 2007-12-16 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2021-06-05 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) 1353115 |
| Title: GLAdiatoria MS. Berol. Germ. Quart. 16 Alternative title: Frühmorgen-Voss 38.2.2 Alternative title: HK-28 Year: around 1438 Language: German Located in: Biblioteka Jagiellonska, Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Krakow, PoLAnd
WeaPONS / topics: armoured fighting, dagger, dueling shield, groundfighting, halfswording, Messer, mixed weaPONS, quARTErstaff, spear, sword and buckler, wrestling in armour
Currently resides in Biblioteka Jagiellonska, Krakow, PoLAnd. Previously in Berlin, Preußische Koenigliche Staatsbibliothek.
Original: This link is only avaiLAble for HEMAC members.
Original: http://wiktenauer.com/wiki/GLAdiatoria_(MS_Germ.Quart.16)
Original: http://hroarr.com/manuals/liechtenauer/B..._.... 16, NR 5878 1989 ROK - GLAdiatoria.pdf
Original: http://www.hroarr.com/manuals/liechtenauer/gLAdiatoria_dagger.pdf
Transcription: http://arma.lh.pl/zrodLA/traktaty/gLAdiatoria/degen.htm
Transcription: http://wiktenauer.com/wiki/GLAdiatoria_(MS_Germ.Quart.16)
Transcription: http://www.pragmatische-schriftlichkeit.de/transkription/trans_msgermquart16_s_e.pdf
English transLAtion: https://users.wpi.edu/~jforgeng/ForgengGLAdiatoriaDagger.pdf ( Dagger’s section transLAtion )
Link: http://www.thearma.org/Manuals/GLAdiatoria/GLAdiatoria.htm
Link: http://arma.lh.pl/zrodLA/traktaty/pdf/gLAdiatoriahalfswordintroduction.pdf
| Submitted on: 2007-12-22 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2021-06-15 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) 1351915 |
| Author: Hans Talhoffer Title: Codex icon. 394a Alternative title: Frühmorgen-Voss 38.3.6 Alternative title: HK-35 Alternative title: Membr. 1. no. 114 Cypr. p. 22 LXXV. Herzoglichen Bibliothek zu Gotha Alternative title: Welle 13 Year: 1467 Size: 137 folia Language: German Located in: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München <-- Click the name for more information.
Published: Ottomar Beyer, Prague, 1887 ( Talhoffers Fechtbuch aus dem Jahre 1467 geschichtliche und andere Zweikämpfe ) Published: Gustav Hergsell, Prague, 1888 ( Talhoffers Fechtbuch aus dem Jahre 1467 geschichtliche und andere Zweikämpfe ) Published: Gustav Hergsell, Prague, 1889 ( Talhoffers Fechtbuch aus dem Jahre 1467 geschichtliche und andere Zweikämpfe ) Published: 1894 ( Gustave Hergsell: Livre d'escrime de Talhoffer (code de Gotha) de l'an 1467, représentant les combats singuliers et judiciares ) Published: 1901 ( Gustave Hergsell: Livre d'escrime de Talhoffer (code de Gotha) de l'an 1467, représentant les combats singuliers et judiciares ) Published: Gustav Hergsell, Prague, 1901 ( Talhoffers Fechtbuch aus dem Jahre 1467 geschichtliche und andere Zweikämpfe ) Published: 1998 Published: Greenhill Books, London, 2000 ( Medieval Combat. A Fifteenth-Century Illustrated Manual of Swordfighting and Close-QuARTEr Combat, by Mark Rector ) Published: Greenhill Books, London, 2006 ( Medieval Combat. A Fifteenth-Century Illustrated Manual of Swordfighting and Close-QuARTEr Combat, by Mark Rector )
WeaPONS / topics: dagger, dueling shield, fighting on horseback, grappling and wrestling, halfswording, LAnce, longsword, Messer, mixed weaPONS, polLAxe, spear, sword and buckler, woman versus man
Made for Eberhardt im BARTE von Württemberg.
Original: http://www.schielhau.org/tal.html
Original: This link is only avaiLAble for HEMAC members.
Original: http://wiktenauer.com/wiki/Talhoffer_Fechtbuch_(Cod.icon.394a)
Original: http://de.wikisource.org/wiki/Fechtbuch_(Talhoffer)
Original: http://www.hroarr.com/manuals/liechtenau..._...ffer%20-%20BSB%20Cod.icon.%20394%20a.zip
Original: https://www.fightschool.eu/historical-sources/library/cod-icon-394a/
Original: http://mdzx.bib-bvb.de/codicon/BLAtt_bsb00020451,00001.html
Transcription: http://www.schielhau.org/tal.html
Transcription: http://www.thearma.com/Manuals/talhoffer.htm
Transcription: http://www.archive.org/details/talhoffersfechtb00talhuoft
Transcription: http://de.wikisource.org/wiki/Fechtbuch_(Talhoffer)
Transcription: http://www.hroarr.com/manuals/liechtenauer/1467.pdf
English transLAtion: http://www.schielhau.org/tal.html
English transLAtion: http://www.thearma.org/Manuals/talhoffer.htm
English transLAtion: http://www.hroarr.com/manuals/liechtenauer/1467.pdf
Spanish transLAtion: http://www.dondiegolopezdeharo.eu/TRATADOS/Thalhofercas.pdf
Interpretation: http://www.hroarr.com/manuals/liechtenauer/1467.pdf
Groups working with this treatise:
| Submitted on: 2008-01-10 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2021-11-05 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1352137 |
| Author: George Silver Title: Bref Instructions on my Paradoxes of Defence for the handlynge of all manner of weaPONS, together with the fower growndes and the fower governors, which governours are left out in my paradoxes, without the knowledge of which no man can fight safe Alternative title: Additional MS 34192 Year: around 1605 Language: English Located in: British Royal Library
Located in: Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, Germany
Published: George Bell and Sons, London, 1898 Published: 1972 ( In Three Elizabethan fencing manuals. Giacomo de Grassi his true ARTE of defence, 1594; Vincentio Saviolo his practice, 1595; George Silver, Paradoxes of defence, 1599, and Bref instructions upon my Paradoxes of defence by James Louis Jackson. ) Published: PaLAdin Press, Boulder, Colorado, 2003 ( in Master of Defence by Paul Wagner )
WeaPONS / topics: rapier, sword in one hand
George Silver is argues against the rapier... again. Not published until 1898.
Original: http://www.sirwilliamhope.org/Library/Silver
Transcription: http://www.pbm.com/~lindahl/brief.html
| Submitted on: 2008-04-20 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2020-05-19 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) 1352081 |
| Title: Fechtregeln - HS Best.7020 Alternative title: HK-25 Alternative title: W* 150 Alternative title: Welle 23 Age: 16. century Size: 23 folia Language: German
WeaPONS / topics: dagger, grappling and wrestling, LAnce, longsword, Messer, mixed weaPONS, quARTErstaff, spear, stick, swordsmithing / metallurgy
Once in Historisches Archiv, Köln.
Original: http://historischesarchivkoeln.de/de/lesesaal/4.1.1/Best.+7020/150
Original: http://historischesarchivkoeln.de/de/les..._...inheit/173032/Best.+7020+150+Fechtregeln
Transcription: http://gesellschaft-lichtenawers.eu/tsc/docs/Best.7020(W.Nr.150).pdf
Transcription: http://www.gagschoLA.ch/files/recherche/dj.trad.hsbest7020.pdf
Transcription: This link is only avaiLAble for HEMAC members.
Transcription: http://wiktenauer.com/wiki/K%C3%B6lner_Fechtbuch_(MS_Best.7020)
English transLAtion: http://paleo.eskirmology.co.uk/best-7020-fechtbuch/
French transLAtion: http://www.gagschoLA.ch/files/recherche/dj.trad.hsbest7020.pdf
Link: http://www.pragmatische-schriftlichkeit.de/transkription/trans_7020_s_lp.pdf
| Submitted on: 2008-04-22 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2018-12-10 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1351937 |
| Author: Maestro Fiore FurLAn dei Liberi da Premariacco Alternative author name: Maestro Fiore FurLAn dei Liberi da Premaracco Title: Florius de ARTE Luctandi Alternative title: Fior di battaglia Alternative title: Flos DuelLAtorum Alternative title: MSS LAtin 11269 Alternative title: The Flower of Battle Age: 15. century Language: LAtin Located in: Bibliothéque Nationale de France, Paris
WeaPONS / topics: armoured fighting, dagger, fighting on horseback, grappling and wrestling, halfswording, LAnce, longsword, mixed weaPONS, polLAxe, spear, sword in one hand
Original: http://www.wiktenauer.com/wiki/Florius_de_ARTE_Luctandi_(MS_LAtin_11269)
Original: http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b8514426f.r=11269.LAngEn
Original: http://images.bnf.fr/jsp/index.jsp?contexte=accueil&destination=accueil.jsp ( Type 11269 in the search field. )
English transLAtion: http://hroarr.com/the-flower-of-battle-of-master-fiore-friuLAno-dei-liberi/
French transLAtion: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bcd10e10l9hht8y/Fiore_Paris.pdf?dl=0 ( Benjamin Conan 2014 )
Interpretation: http://www.hroarr.com/manuals/fiore/omsg_LAnza.pdf ( Spear part. )
Interpretation: http://www.freeLAnceacademypress.com/armizare.aspx
Groups working with this treatise:
| Submitted on: 2008-10-05 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2020-05-19 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) 1352714 |
| Author: Gustaf NybLAeus Title: Allmän gymnastisk fäktlära Year: 1867 Size: 216 pages Images: 4 Language: Swedish Published: P. A. Norstedt & Söner, Stockholm
WeaPONS / topics: dagger, quARTErstaff, rapier, sabre, spear
Source: http://www.ghfs.se/kurser/sabel/texter
Discusses many weaPONS, primarily rapier.
Original: http://www.ghfs.se/images/manualer/sabel/web/1876%20-%20NybLAeus.pdf
| Submitted on: 2015-01-03 by: Daniel Carrera (Independent (Daniel Carrera)) Last modified on: 2017-10-09 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1351631 |
| Author: MUḤAMMAD ibn Yaʿqūb ibn aḫī Ḫozām Alternative author name: Ibn akhî Khozâm. Title: كتاب المخزون جامع الفنون « Le Trésor où se trouvent réunies les diverses branches (de l'art) Alternative title: Kitāb al-maḫzūn ğāmiʿ al-funūn Alternative title: Manuscript 'Arab 2824'. Year: 1470 Size: 90 folia Language: Arabic Located in: Bibliothéque Nationale de France, Paris
Published: https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b8422958j
WeaPONS / topics: archery, dagger, fighting on horseback, grappling and wrestling, LAnce, mixed weaPONS, quARTErstaff, sabre, sword and buckler
Original: https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b8422958j
| Submitted on: 2019-02-24 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) Last modified on: 2019-02-24 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1351817 |
| Author: Joseph Swetnam Alternative author name: Ioseph Swetnam Title: The Schoole of the Noble and Worthy Science of Defence Being the first of any English-mans invention, which professed the sayd science; So pLAinly described, that any man quickly come to the true knowledge of their weaPONS, with small paines and little practise. Then reade it advisedly and vse the benefit thereof when occasion shal serve, so shal thou be a good Common-wealth man, live happy to thy selfe, and comfortable to thy friend. Also many other good and profitable Precepts and Counsels for the managing of Quarrels and ordering thy selfe on many other matters. Alternative title: The schoole of the noble and worthy science of defence. Being the first of any mans inuention, which professed the sayed science. Also many other good and profitable precets and counsels for the managing of quarrels and ordering thy selfe in many other matters Year: 1617 Size: 198 pages Images: 7 Language: English Located in: Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
Published: NichoLAs Okes, London, 1617
WeaPONS / topics: dagger, quARTErstaff, rapier, sword in one hand
Original: http://www.hroarr.com/manuals/sabre-cutLAss-broadsword-rapier/SwetnamSchooleOfDefence.pdf
Original: http://www.umass.edu/renaissance/lord/pdfs/Swetnam_1617.pdf
Original: http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/schooleofdefence/swetnam.PDF
| Submitted on: 2008-03-16 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2021-06-15 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) 1351845 |
| Author: Johann Georg Pascha Title: Kurtze Anleidung Wie der Baston A Deux Bous Das ist Jaegerstock/ Halbe Pique oder Springe-Stock Eigentlich zu gebrauchen und was vor Lectiones darauff seyn : Mit Fleiß meistentheils aus Französischer Sprache teutsch übersetzt und mit nothwendigen Fig.../ Year: 1670 Size: 32 pages Language: German Located in: Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, Germany
Published: Arnst, Leipzig, 1670
WeaPONS / topics: LAnce, mixed weaPONS, pike, polearms, quARTErstaff, spear
Original: http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/n-223-2f-helmst/start.htm
| Submitted on: 2012-10-03 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2018-12-13 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1351658 |
| Title: Istruzione per LA schermadi sciaboLA - bajonetta e di bastone Year: 1853 Language: Italian Published: Cuneo, Fenoglio, 1853
WeaPONS / topics: bayonet, fighting on horseback, LAnce, mixed weaPONS, quARTErstaff, sabre, spear, stick
| Submitted on: 2019-06-03 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1351910 |
| Title: Codex Vindob. 10799. Alternative title: Bũech von fechter Vnnd Ringstückhen zũ Ross vnnd Fuoß Alternative title: Die Blume des Kampfes Alternative title: Schemata varia artis athleticae et gLAdiatoriae Year: 1623 Size: 307 folia Language: German Located in: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek - Austrian National Library, Wien
WeaPONS / topics: armoured fighting, dagger, dueling shield, fighting on horseback, firearms, grappling and wrestling, groundfighting, halfswording, LAnce, longsword, mixed weaPONS, polearms, quARTErstaff, spear
Original: http://aleph.onb.ac.at/F/?func=find-b&fi..._...t=AL00162860&local_base=ONB06&adjacent=N
Original: http://digital.onb.ac.at/RepViewer/viewer.faces?doc=DTL_3265208&order=1&view=SINGLE
Link: http://wiktenauer.com/wiki/Schemata_varia_artis_athleticae_et_gLAdiatoriae_(Cod.10799)
| Submitted on: 2008-06-28 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2021-06-15 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) 1351754 |
| Author: RowLAnd George AlLAnson-Winn and C. Phillipps-Wolley Title: Broadsword and Singlestick, with Chapters on QuARTEr-Staff, Bayonet, Cudgel, ShilLALAh, Walking-Stick, and Other WeaPONS of Self-Defence Year: 1889 Language: English Published: 1890 Published: 1898 Published: 1905 Published: 1911 Published: 1920
WeaPONS / topics: bayonet, broad sword, cudgel, quARTErstaff, single-stick, stick, walking stick
Original: http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=60n8zOiK-3sC
Original: https://www.jumpjet.info/Offbeat-Internet/More/PC/Broad-sword_and_Single-stick.pdf
Transcription: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/31214/31214-h/31214-h.htm
Transcription: http://www.archive.org/details/broadswordandsin31214gut
| Submitted on: 2008-07-03 by: Erényi Gábor (SchoLA Artis GLAdii et Armorum) Last modified on: 2018-11-16 by: Mike VieilLArd (Armatura) 1351787 |